Why you shouldn’t stress yourself out over an “Almost Love”

Exactly a year today, I wrote this post for someone who I thought was the one. Turns out, he was a psychopathic playboy and My fragile heart was broken to aladeen pieces.

I’m going to love you beyond social media, in this day and age where people base their feelings on what they see on their phones and not how they really feel.

We won’t just talk, we will communicate.

I won’t just tell you I love you, but I’ll prove it over and over again.

You may have lost people dear to you, I won’t be able to replace them in your heart but I’ll be here to hold you while you reminisce and when tears starts to escape from your eyes. I know you’re not perfect, but my love for you is greater than any imperfections you may have. I’m not perfect as well, but we’ll agree to disagree on certain things, compromise if needed, and do our best to work things out. Most importantly, I’ll pray for you everyday. We may not be sure about tomorrow, if its you and me. I’ll pray that we grow together, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If not, I’d still pray that you find someone who will love you as much as I do, and take care of you the way I want to. Thank you for being you, and thank you for accepting me. 😊

It was a long and hard battle trying to get over someone who wasn’t yours in the first place. Eventually you’ll get over it, not now, not today but someday. 🙂

Someone will prove to you why things didn’t work out with anyone, that same someone will prove that you are more that just an almost, a mere option, but instead prove that you are a Priority.

9 thoughts on “Why you shouldn’t stress yourself out over an “Almost Love”

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  1. Raw and honest. I like your writing. A lot of people will be able to relate to this. I hope you have managed to move on from this, and if not, then I hope you will soon. Finding soulmates is a heartbreaking business!x

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      1. I love reading new blogs, yours was honest and lovely! If you managed to check out my site–thanks very much, all readers very much appreciated. If you haven’t and do want to read about the secret, click the gravitas next to my name. x

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